I was a long-time member of Erskine Writers when first starting out as a writer many years ago. Not only did I find people who became close friends, there was a huge amount of encouragement, constructive critiques, opportunities to enter competitions and listen to professional visiting authors.
An added advantage was becoming a member of the Scottish Association of Writers. An umbrella association for writing groups in Scotland, their annual weekend conference in March is a must. My first conference led to the publication of my first short story in a national magazine when I won the Woman's Short Story Competition all those years ago. I never looked back!
Now, I've moved to central Scotland and have visited Edinburgh Writers Club where I already knew some of the members from the SAW. Their first meeting is Monday 23rd September and the speaker will be children's author, Linda Strachan.
A new writing year begins and it's exciting to find out where it will lead!